Saturday, January 26, 2013


Rain, rain and more rain....decided to make up my lemon and garlic artery clearing juice before the electicity went on me.  If you haven't made it before it is 30 cloves of garlic and 5 lemons and you are on your way to helping your body clear blocked arteries.  It is an old recipe which has worked it's way to me thank heavens as my arteries are in need of clearing ....well according to my carrotid artery ultrasound anyway.  It is quite easy:

Step 1: you just peel the organic garlic and wash lemons well and pop them in the blender.  Put them with a little water from 1 litre to help with the blending.
Step 2:  pop it all with the rest of the litre of water and bring to the boil and remove immediately to cool.  After cooling put through your seive or juicer.  Take with your early morning cups of warm water and after your main meal of the day. 

Important to have for 3 weeks then take 8 days off and repeat the cycle.  It has helped many people and I am hoping I will be added to this list after my next C.A.U.  Good juicing! 

1 comment:

  1. shame all this rain interfered with my fabulous lemon and garlic photo upload!
